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Application logs

DES outputs logs to STDOUT in JSON format. You can control the log level using the LOG_LEVEL environment variable (read more in the Environment variables section).

Expect following log fields to always be present regardless of if a log entry was produced by the web server or the background worker:

  • name - usually with value des-web-service or good_job
  • hostname
  • pid - usually 1 since it's an OCI container
  • level - the log level
  • time - an ISO-8601 string representation of the date and time the log entry was produced
  • v - the current DES image version running, truncated to 7 characters
  • msg - the log message

Web server

Specifically for logs generated by the web server, the following fields will also be present:

  • request_id - identifier for the http request that generated the log entry. You can explicitly set this to a value you prefer if you configure a load balancer / reverse proxy to add a X-Request-Id header. If such header is not present, DES will generate a request id itself
  • request - an object with the following sub keys/fields
    • method - HTTP method used
    • path - path requested
    • user_agent - user agent string for the requesting client

On top of this list there will be more fields depending on the specific log entry.