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Reconcile a SharedSavings Account Balance

If the SharedSavings account cannot be fully shielded from transactions initiated outside of the Impact Finance UX (from a branch office, an Open Banking TPP, offsetting other debts, etc.), there will be a need to correct the balance on the Account state in DES.

An incorrect balance can be detected in various ways, including:

  • The core banking system reacting to any such event causing a difference.
  • Getting the Account balance in DES (GET /accounts/{id}) and comparing with the actual balance.
  • Getting the list of Transactions in DES (GET /transactions) and comparing with the actual ledger of the account.

If a difference is detected, create the necessary transaction to correct it. The Impact Finance UX will then take care of re-distributing the money across all the Dreams using the account.

sequenceDiagram participant des as DES Backend participant bank as Partner Backend bank --> des: Detect incorrect balance bank ->> des: POST /transactions note over bank,des: type: Deposit | Withdrawal,<br />amountCents: <diff>,<br/>settledAt: <DateTime> des -->> bank: 201 Created